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    This online, interactive guide is designed to help NAHRO members develop and deliver positive values-based messages about housing to policymakers. We'll look at the four keys to effective advocacy: knowing what you want; who you're talking to; how to talk to them; and, how to follow-up. You'll come away with specific, actionable ideas to implement right away.

    As you move through this course, you’ll want to think about applying these effective advocacy principles to NAHRO priorities. Take a moment to review those priorities through the links to the right. They’ll be especially important as you  explore the “What You Want” sections of the course    

    Public Housing Priorities


    Section 8 Programs Priorities

    Community Development Programs Priorities

    Affordable Housing Priorities

    The NAHRO Action Center



  • There are four keys to effective advocacy; knowing what you want; who you're talking to; how to talk to them; and, how to follow up.

  • "I'm just a bill, just a lonely old bill..." Chances are, if you were alive during the 1970's and 1980's, you heard some version of "School House Rock." You know -- the one where the singing bill talks about the legislative process? To be an effective advocate, you'll need to know a little more about a government than that. But don't worry! You don't have to be an expert. You just need to know enough to talk to the right people about the right things at the right time.

  • Only when you know your specific goal can you be sure that you’re talking to the right audience. Plus, they need to know what you want them to do!

    Note: While this section refers to Capitol Hill meetings, the principle of "know what you want" can be applied to any advocacy situation

    Remember to review the NAHRO Policy Materials in Section 1. These will answer the "what you want" question at the federal level.

  • Understanding what gets your audience up in the morning, and what keeps them up at night, dramatically increases your effectiveness.

  •    The SPIT Technique
    You must have your daily acronym in DC. Today's is "SPIT", which stands for Specific, Personal, Informative, and Timely.

    The Message Formula
    Once you've figured out what you want, learned about your audience, and developed your story, now it's time to figure out how to fit all of this into a short communication. The Message Formula should help. This is in the context of a meeting, but can be used as a template for e-mails and phone calls as well.

  • Should you call, e-mail, or seek a meeting with policymakers? The very first thing you should know is that what you say to policymakers is far more important than how you say it. Assuming that you have developed a compelling, thoughtful, truthful and positive message, you are likely to at least be listened to -- and hopefully have an impact -- however you choose to deliver the message. The overall key for any communication is that it be personalized and relevant.

  • Following Up
    All the advocacy in the world won't do much good if you're not following up! In this section, you'll learn about site visits, as well as other strategies for follow-up. Use these materials to build your advocacy plans throughout the year.